Monday, February 05, 2007

Phrases for vegetarians in 67 languages

Danish / Dansk
  • Jeg er vegetar - I am vegetarian
  • Jeg er veganer - I am a vegan
  • Jeg spiser ikke kød - I don't eat meat
  • Jeg bryder mig ikke om kød - I don't like meat
  • Jeg spiser ikke kød, æg og mælkeprodukter - I don't eat meat, eggs or dairy products
  • Har De nogen vegetarretter? - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
  • Jeg elsker dyr, så jeg spiser dem ikke - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • Hej jeg hedder . . . - Hello my name is . . .

Finnish / Suomeksi

  • Olen kasvissyöjä - I am a vegetarian.
  • Olen vegaani - I am a vegan
  • En syö eläimiä - I don't eat animals
  • En syö lihaa - I don't eat meat
  • En syö edes kanamunaa - I don't eat eggs either
  • Ei edes maitotuotteita - not even milk products
  • Kahvi ilman maitoa. - Coffee without milk.
  • vihannekset -vegetables, hedelmät - fruits, soijapavut - soyabeans, sienet - mushrooms
  • Rakastan eläimiä joten en syö niitä - I love animals, so I don't eat them


  • Ég borða ekki kjöt - I do not eat meat
  • Ég er grænmetisæta - I am a vegetarian
  • Ég borða ekki ost - I do not eat cheese
  • Ég borða ekki egg - I do not eat eggs
  • Ég borða ekki kjúkling - I do not eat chicken
  • Ég borða ekki mjólkurafurðir - I do not eat dairy
  • baunir, linsur - lentils
  • Ég elska dýr og þessvegna borða ég þau ekki - I love animals, so I don't eat them


  • Jeg er vegetarianer - I am a vegetarian
  • Jeg er veganer - I am a vegan
  • Jeg spiser ikke kjøtt,egg eller meieriprodukter - I don't eat meat, eggs nor dairy products
  • Jeg spiser verken kjøtt, kylling eller fisk - I eat neither meat, chicken nor fish
  • Jeg liker ikke kjøtt. - I don't like meat
  • Har du noen vegetarretter. - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
  • Kan dere lage en matrett uten kjøtt, fisk, melkeprodukter eller egg, vaer saa snill? Can you make a dish without meat, fish, dairy or eggs, please?
  • Har dere urtete, juice eller (mineral)vann? Have you got herbal tea, juice or (sparkling) water?
  • Jeg elsker dyr, derfor spiser jeg dem ikke. - I love animals, therefore i don't eat them
  • Dyr er mine venner, og jeg spiser ikke vennene mine - animals are my friends, and i don't eat my friends

A general advice is that Norwegians have a good knowledge and understanding of common English words.. so give it a try in English with Norwegians below 70 years of age before you stumble into bad Norwegian pronunciation. Most people will enjoy some exercise of their vocabulary.

Swedish / Svenska

  • Jag är vegetarian - I am a vegetarian
  • Jag är vegan. - I am vegan.
  • Jag äter inte kött - I do not eat meat
  • Jag äter inte ost - I do not eat cheese
  • Jag äter inte ägg - I do not eat eggs
  • Jag äter inte kyckling - I do not eat chicken
  • Jag äter inte mjölkprodukter - I do not eat dairy products
  • bönor - beans; linser - lentils; fisk - fish; ägg - egg; kyckling - chicken; ost - cheese
  • Jag älskar djur, så jag äter dem inte - I love animals, so I don't eat them

English is understood by most Swedes so just give it a try in English.

Basque / Euskara

  • Barazkijalea naiz - I am a vegetarian
  • Ez dut jaten haragirik, txerrikirik, ezta oilaskorik ere - I do not eat meat, pork or chicken
  • Arraultzak, esnea eta gazta jaten ditut - I eat eggs, milk and cheese
  • Ez dut jaten arraultzarik, esnerik, ezta gaztarik ere - I don´t eat eggs, milk or cheese
  • Ez, ez dut nahi arrainik - No, I don't want any fish
  • Animaliak maite ditut, horregatik ez ditut jaten - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • Esnekiak - Dairy products
  • Eztia - Honey
  • Ez dut esnerik edaten - I don´t drink milk
  • Ba al duzue barazkijaleentzako platerik? - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?

Catalan / Català

  • Jo sóc vegetarià/vegetariana - I am vegetarian (male/female)
  • Jo no menjo pas carn, ni porc ni pollastre - I do not eat meat, pork or chicken
  • Jo menjo (no menjo pas) ous, (ni) llet (ni) i formatge - I do (do not) eat eggs, milk or cheese
  • No, no vull cap mena de peix - No, I don't want any fish
  • Jo estimo als animals, i per això no me'ls menjo - I love animals, so I don't eat them

Mixtec / da'an davi (Mexico)

  • Ma xixí kuñu si un, xi kochi, xi idu nsiki - I don't eat chicken meat, nor pig, nor cow


  • Eu son vexetariano/a - I am vegetarian (depending on the speaker's gender)
  • Eu non como carne, peixe ou aves - I do not eat meat, fish or poultry
  • Eu non bebo leite, nin como ovos ou queixo - I do not drink milk, neither eat eggs or cheese
  • Eu non como calquera cousa preparada con graxa animal(touciño ou manteiga de porco) - I do not eat anything cooked with animal fat (bacon or lard)
  • ¿Serven algún prato vexetariano? - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
  • Eu amo os animais, por iso non os como - I love animals so I don't eat them

Portuguese / Português

  • Eu sou vegetariano - I am a vegetarian
  • eu sou vegano/vegan - I am vegan
  • Sou estitamente vegetariano. - I am a strict vegetarian
  • Eu não como carne, peixe ou frango - I don't eat meat, fish or poultry
  • Eu também não como ovos - I don't eat eggs either
  • Eu não como queijo- I do not eat cheese
  • Nem mesmo derivados do leite- not even milk products
  • Não bebo leite. - I don't drink milk
  • Café, Chá sem leite - coffee, tea, without milk
  • Eu não bebo leite, nem como ovos ou queijo - I don't drink milk, nor eat eggs or cheese
  • eu não como galinha - I do not eat chicken
  • Eu não gosto de carne. - I don't like meat
  • Eu não como nada preparado com gordura animal (bacon ou banha) - I do not eat anything cooked with animal fat (bacon or lard)
  • Você tem algum prato vegetariano? - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
  • Por favor, queria uma refeição sem qualquer ingrediente de origem animal - I would like to have a meal with no animal derived ingredients.
  • Você poderia me preparar um prato sem carne, peixe, derivados do leite ou ovos por favor? - Can you make a dish without meat, fish, dairy or eggs, please?
  • Queria pão que não leve margarina ou leite ou ovos, por favor - I would like bread with no margarine, milk or eggs, please. [margarine in portugal is rarely veg*an]
  • Você tem chá, suco ou água? - Have you got herbal tea, juice or water?
  • Não quero ver touradas - I don't want to see bullfights.
  • feijões - beans ; lentilhas - lentils ; frutas - fruits ; verduras - vegetables
  • derivados do leite / laticínios - dairy ; queijo - cheese ; ovos - eggs ; mel - honey
  • frango - chicken ; peixe - fish ; porco - pork
  • couro - leather ; algodão - cotton
  • Eu não quero nenhum tipo de peixe - I'd like no fish
  • Eu prefiro frutas - I'd prefer fruit
  • Você tem bananas? - Are there any bananas?
  • Estou com fome - I'm hungry
  • Eu como ovos, leite e queijo - I eat eggs, milk or cheese
  • Eu não como ovos, leite e queijo - I do not eat eggs, milk or cheese
  • Qual desses pratos eu poderia comer? - Which of these dishes could I eat?
  • Eu não gosto de manteiga eu prefiro margarina - I don't eat butter. I eat (prefer) margarine.
  • isso tem: - does it contain: algum produto animal? - any animal products? ; gordura animal? - animal fat?
  • Você tem algo que eu possa comer que não seja carne ou peixe? - Do you have something I can eat, that is not meat or fish?
  • a natureza - the nature ; sem carne - without meat ; obrigada - thanks ;por favor - please ; oi/ciao - Hi/Bye ; boa noite - good night
  • Eu não tomo leite - I do not drink milk
  • Tem algo no menu que não tem carne? - Is there anything on the menu that doesn't have meat?
  • Tem ovos nisso? - Are there eggs in this?
  • Tem algum restaurante vegetariano aqui perto? - Is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?
  • Essa sopa tem carne ou pedaços de frango? - Is there meat or chicken broth in this soup?
  • Café sem leite. - Coffee without milk.
  • vegetais - vegetables ; frutas - fruits ; champinhon / cogumelo - mushrooms
  • eu amo animais, por isso não os como - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • Isto não tem qualquer tipo de carne pois não? (carne: bacon, fiambre, vaca, porco, frango, etc) - This doesn't have any kind of meat does it? (meat: bacon, ham, cow, pork, chicken, etc)
  • Podia dizer-me onde posso encontrar um restaurante vegetariano / loja de produtos naturais se faz favor? - Could you tell where to find a vegetarian restaurant / natural products shop please?
  • Que pratos tem sem qualquer tipo de carne / derivado animal? - What dishes do you have without any kind of meat/ animal derived ?
  • Eu sou vegan. Só como vegetais, cereais e grãos. Não como nenhum produto animal, nem mel, ovos ou lacticínios e seus derivados. Pode auxiliar-me a escolher a partir do vosso menu? Por favor, alerte-me se um prato, molho ou guarnição contém estes ingredientes. - I'm vegan. I only eat vegetables, cereals and grains. I don't eat any animal products, neither honey, eggs nor dairy and its derivatives. Can you assist me in making my choice from your menu? Please, alert me if a food, sauce or garnish contains these ingredients.
  • por favor - please ; obrigado - thanks ; sem - without ; com - with ; bom dia! - good morning! ; boa tarde! - good afternoon! ; boa noite! - good night! ; oi!/tchau! - hi!/bye!

  • Eu não como carne! - I don't eat meat!
  • Onde posso comprar frutas? - Where can I buy fruits?
  • Você tem salada? - Do you have salad?
  • Você conhece algum restaurante vegetariano? - Do you know any vegetarian restaurant?
  • Onde posso comprar comida vegetariana? - Where can I buy vegetarian food?

Spanish/ Español

  • Yo soy vegetariano/a - I am vegetarian (depending on the speaker's gender)
  • Yo no como carne, puerco, o pollo. - I do not eat meat, pork or chicken
  • Yo como (no como) huevos, leche, o queso. - I do (do not) eat eggs, milk or cheese
  • No, no quiero ningun pescado. - No, I don't want any fish
  • Yo amo a los animales, por eso no los como - I love animals so I don't eat them
  • Mi comida sabe mejor que la tuya. - My food tastes better than the one you're eating
  • ¡Esta comida está deliciosa! - This food is delicious!
  • Esta comida es saludable. - This food is healthy.
  • Si hay carne en cualquier cantidad en mi comida, no lo puedo comer. ¡Eso incluye Jamón en pedacitos en mi sopa o ensalada! - If there is any meat whatsoever in my food, I cannot eat it. That includes little pieces of ham in my soup or salad!
  • Qué platos tiene sin carne o pescado? - What dishes do you have without meat or fish?
  • ¡Me rehuso a ser un cementerio ambulante de animales! I refuse to be a walking cementery of animals.
  • Yo soy vegan. Solo como vegetales, cereales y granos. No como productos animales, ni miel, huevos, o lacticinios y suyos derivados. Puede ayudar-me a escoger a partir de vuestro menú? Por favor, alerte-me sí una comida, salsa o guarnicíon tienen estotros ingredientes. - I'm vegan. I only eat vegetables, cereals and grains. I don't eat any animal products, neither honey, eggs nor dairy and its derivatives. Can you assist me in making my choice from your menu? Please, alert me if a food, sauce or garnish contains these ingredients.
  • Donde hay un restaurante (restorán) tenedor libre? (tenedor libre: un restaurante de autoservicio con mucha comida vegetariana: en Buenos Aires y ARGENTINA) (Where is a free-fork restaurant?)


(spoken in the county of Cornwall in the southwest of England)

  • Vesne oma I'm a vegetarian
  • Me venga cawas ne pesk I'd like no fish
  • Me venga kenz frut I'd prefer fruit
  • Peidgy ry thebm hoggan Please give me a pasty
  • Eze mouy hensledan wheg Are there any bananas?
  • Thove gwage I'm hungry
  • Dowr durdalada whye Water thank you

Dutch / Nederlandse

  • Ik ben een vegetarier - I am a vegetarian
  • Ik ben een veganist - I am a vegan
  • Ik eet geen vlees, vis of gevogelte - I don't eat meat, fish or poultry
  • Ik houd niet van vlees - I don't like meat
  • Ik eet geen eieren en melk - I don't eat milk and eggs
  • Heeft u ook vegetarische gerechten? - Do you have vegetarian dishes also?
  • Ik hou van dieren dus ik eet ze niet - I love animals, so I don't eat them

French / Français

German / Deutsch

  • Ich bin Vegetarier[in]. - I am a vegetarian.
  • Veganer[in] - vegan
  • Ich esse kein Fleisch, auch kein Huhn (und keinen Fisch). - I do not eat meat, nor chicken (and neither fish).
  • Ich esse [keine] Eier, Milch oder Käse. - I [do not] eat eggs, milk or cheese.
  • Welches dieser Gerichte kann ich essen? - Which of these dishes could I eat?
  • Milchprodukte - dairy; Geflügel - fowl; Honig - honey; Bohnen - beans; Linsen - lentils; Gemüse - vegetables
  • Ich mag kein Fleisch. - I don't like meat.
  • Ich esse keine Butter. Ich esse (bevorzuge) Margarine. - I don't eat butter. I eat (prefer) margarine.
  • (Kaffee, Tee) ohne Milch - (coffee, tea) without milk
  • vegetarisch - vegetarian (adj.) ; vegan - vegan (adj.)
  • Ich liebe Tiere, also esse ich sie nicht - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • Haben Sie vegetarische Gerichte? - Do you offer any vegetarian meals?
  • Ja, ich mag Tofu. - Yes, I like tofu.


  • Ime chortofagos - I am a vegetarian
  • Eimai hortofagos. Den troo kreas i kotopoulo [EE-may hor-to-FAH-gos. Then tro KRAY-ahs ee ko-TO-poo-lo.] - I am a vegetarian. I do not eat meat, pork or chicken.
  • (Den) troo avga, gala, kai (i) tiri. [(Then) tro ahv-GA, GA-la, keh (ee) tee-REE.] - I do (do not) eat eggs, milk or cheese
  • per-ee-EH-hee - does it contain:
  • zo-ee-KAH pro-ee-YON-da? - any animal products?
  • zo-ee-KO LEE-pos? - animal fat?
  • zou-MEE ah-PO KRAY-ahs ee ko-TO-pou-lo? - meat or chicken broth?
  • Den troo psari -Den trOo PSAree - I don't eat fish either
  • Ehete kati na fao pou na min ine kreas i psari?- Eheteh KAtee na FAoh poo na meen EEnay KREyas i PSAree? - Do you have something I can eat, that is not meat or fish?
  • Ehete ladera,ospria, makaronia horis kreatiko, hortopites? - Ehete ladeRA, Osprya, makaROnya howREES kreyateeKO, howRTOpettes? - Do you have oil cooked vegetables, pulses, macaroni without meat, greens pies? ( Greens pies refers to spanakopita style things. They may contain cheese, though)
  • Agapo ta zoa - I love animals
  • I Fisi - the nature
  • Choris Kreas - without meat
  • Efxaristo - thanks
  • Parakalo - please
  • Giasu - Hi/Bye
  • Kalinichta - good night

Irish Gaelic / Gaeilge

  • Is feoilshéantóir mé - I'm a vegetarian
  • Ní ithim aon feoil (ná iasc) (ná sicín) - I don't eat meat (nor fish)(nor chicken)
  • Ní ólaim bainne - I do not drink milk
  • Ní ithim feoil mar ní theastaíonn uaim ainmhithe a mharú - I don't eat meat as I don't want to kill animals
  • An bhfuil feoil/iasc sa bhia seo? - Is there meat/fish in this food?
  • An bhfuil aon rud ar an mbiachlár gan fheoil? - Is there anything on the menu that doesn't have meat?
  • An bhfuil uibheacha sa bhia seo? - Are there eggs in this?

Italian / Italiano

Lëtzebuergësch /Luxemburgisch

  • Ech sin Végétarier[inn] - I am vegetarian (m/f)
  • Véganer - vegan
  • Ech eesse keen Déier - I do not eat animals
  • Mir gefällt kee Fleesch. - I do not like meat
  • Ech eesse kee Botter. Ech eesse (léiwer) Margarinn. - I do not eat butter. I eat (prefer) margarine
  • (Kaffi, Téi) ouni Mëllech - coffee / tea - without milk
  • végétarisch - vegetarian (adj)
  • Ecg hun d'Déiere - dofir eessen ech se nët - I love animals, so I don't eat them

Low Saxon (Low German)

a (now finally officially recognized) minority language in the northern half of Germany and the eastern parts of the Netherlands. (Pronunciation for English speakers in [].)

  • Ik bün 'n Vegetarier(sch) [ick buen ve-gheh-TOH-ree-ur(sh)] - I am a vegetarian -- male (female)
  • Ik eet keen Fleesch; Hohn or Fisch ook nich. [ick eyt keyn fleysch -- hone or fish oke niH] - I do not eat meat, neither chicken or fish.
  • Ik eet (keen) Eier, Melk or Kääs'. [ick eyt (keyn) I-ur, melk or kehz] - I [do not] eat eggs, milk or cheese
  • Wilket Eten kann ik hier eten? [VIL-ket EYtn kahn ick heer EYtn] - Which dish here can I eat?
  • Eten mit Melk binnen [EYtn mit melk binn] - Food containing dairy; Vagel(s) [FOH-gl(ss)] - Fowl; Honnig [HON-niH] - Honey
  • Ik heff Deerten leef; daarwegen do ik se nich eten. [ick heff DEYRtn leyf; DOHR-vehgng doe ick zey niH EYtn] - I love animals, so I don't eat them.


  • Jiena Vegitarjan/a - I am vegetarian - male/female
  • Jiena ma nikolx laham - I don't eat meat
  • Jien ma nikolx laham jew hut - I don't eat meat or fish.
  • Jien Ma nixrobx halib - I don't drink milk
  • majjal - pork ; bajd - eggs ; hut - fish ; tigieg - chicken
  • Is there a vegetarian restaurant near here? - Fejn nista insib ikel vegitarjan fil vicin?

Welsh / Cymraeg

  • Rydw i'n llysieuwr [Rudd-oo een LLush-*ay*-ur] - I am a vegetarian
  • Dydw i ddim yn bwyta cig neu cyw ia+r [Duddoo ee *THim* un *boy*-tah keeg nay queue ee-*arrr* (roll that r)] - I do not eat meat or chicken
  • Rydw i'n (Dydw i ddim yn) bwyta wyau, llaeth a chaws. [Rudd-oo een (duddoo ee *THim* un) *boy*-tah *oi*-yeh, LL-eye-th aa CHowsss] - I do (do not) eat eggs, milk and cheese
  • Pa un o'r rheiny alla i bwyta? [*Paah* een oooRrrr *rainy* aLL-ah ee *boy*-tah?] - which of these dishes could I eat
  • LL - Line tongue around roof of mouth so air can escape only at the back and underneath - smile - and push air out fast narrowing the gap to make it louder.
  • TH as in 'THem'
  • CH as in 'J.S. BaCH'
  • 'tah' as 'ta' in 'tank'

West Lombard (Insubrian)

  • Mi mangji no la carna - I don't eat meat
  • Ij bestij hin me amiz, mi mangji no ij me amiz - animals are my friends, I don't eat my friends
  • Mi sun no raçista, mi sun no speçista - I am not racist, I am not specist
  • Mi sun dree a minga mangjà ij oeuf, lacj u furmaj - I try to not eat eggs and milk or cheese


  • Unë jam vegjetarian - I'm vegetarian
  • Unë nuk ha mish - I don't eat meat
  • Unë i dua kafshët prandaj nuk i ha ato - I love animals so I don't eat them
  • Unë nuk ha peshk,qumësht dhe vezë - I don't eat fish,milk and eggs
  • Më falni unë jam vegjetarian - Excuse me I'm vegetarian
  • A keni diqka vegjetariane? - Do you have something that is vegetarian?


Phonetic approximation:
'g' is pronounced as in "gear"
'y' is pronounced as 'a' in 'vegAn'
'c' is pronounced as 'ts
; 'j'/'y' is always pronounced as a short 'e'
'zh' is pronounced as a (soft) French 'g' or a softer version of English 'g' in 'vegetarian'
'i' is pronounced as in Cyrilic
'e' is pronounced as in 'vEgan'

  • Az sym vegetarianec - I am vegetarian
  • Az ne iam meso - I don't eat meat
  • Obicham jivotnite i zatowa ne gi iam - I love animals so I don't eat them
  • Ne jam meso/riba/jajca/mljako/sirene/kashkaval/med/kiselo mljako - I don't eat meat/fish/eggs/milk/feta/cheese/honey/yogurt
  • Imate li neshto vegetariansko? - Do you have anything vegetarian?
  • Imate li neshto bez meso/riba/jajca/mljako/sirene/kashkaval/med/kiselo mljako - Do you have anything without meat/fish/eggs/milk/feta/cheese/honey/yogurt?
  • Ima li nablizo vegetarianski restorant? - Is there a vegetarian restaurant nearby?
  • Predpochitam presni plodove i zelenchuci - I prefer fresh fruits and vegetables
  • mlechni produkti - milk products
  • (ne) jam - I (don't) eat
  • (ne) pija - i (don't) drink
  • Mozhe li edna shopska salata bez sirene? - May I have a "shopska" salad without feta?
  • V tazi supa ima li meso? - Is there any meat in the soup?
  • V tova jadene ima li meso? - Is there any meat in this meal?
  • Ne jam nishto gotveno v zhivotinska maznina - I don(t eat anything cooked in animal fat

ajrjan -- a yogurt drink which is served as a a non-alcoholic drink, so beware!
shopska salata - a salad with fresh vegetables and grated feta
oil - the bottled oil in the shops is usually sunflower oil


  • Ja sam vegetarijanac [male]/ vegetarijanka [female] - I am a vegetarian
  • Ja sam strogi vegetarijanac [male]/ vegetarijanka [female] - I am a strict vegetarian - male/female
  • Ne jedem meso, piletinu ni ribu. - I don't eat meat, chicken or fish.
  • Ne pijem mlijeko. - I don't drink milk.
  • Ne jedem maslac, sir, jaja ni med. - I don't eat butter,cheese, eggs, or honey.
  • Ne jedem meso, jaja, ribu, sir, mlijeko. - I do not eat meat/eggs/fish/milk/cheese.
  • Imate li nesto vegetarijansko? - Do you have a vegetarian dish?
  • Ima li blizu vegetarijanski restoran? - Is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?
  • Da li u ovoj juhi ima mesa? / Da li je to mesna juha - Is there any meat in this soup? / Is it a meat soup?
  • Ne jedem nista kuhano na zivotinjskoj masnoci (slanini ili salu) - I do not eat anything cooked in animal fat (bacon or lard)
  • Volim zivotinje, pa ih zato ne jedem. - I love animals, and that's why I don't eat them.


  • Jsem vegetarian(ka) - I'm vegetarian. -(fe)male
  • Jsem vegan(ka) - I'm vegan. -(fe)male
  • Nejim maso, vejce a syry - I don't eat meat, eggs and cheese
  • Nepiji mleko - I don't drink milk
  • Mate take nejaka vegetarianska jidla? - Do you have any vegetarian dishes also?
  • Mam rad(a) zvirata - I like animals. - (fe)male
  • Rad(a) jim cerstvou zeleninu a ovoce - I like to eat fresh vegetables and fruits. -(fe)male
  • Je v teto polevce ( v tomto jidle ) maso? - Is there any meat in this soup (in this meal)?


  • Ma olen taimetoitlane - I am a vegetarian
  • Ma ei söö liha - I do not eat meat
  • Ma ei söö kala ega kana - I do not eat fish or chicken either
  • Ma ei söö piimatooteid - I do not eat milk products
  • Ma ei söö muna - I do not eat egg
  • Ma armastan loomi, ma ei söö neid - I love animals, I do not eat them.


  • Me vegetarianeli var - I'm a vegetarian
  • Me ar vcham horts da arts tevzs - I don't eat meat or fish
  • Gakvt vegetarianuli sachmeli? - Have you got any vegetarian food?
  • Me mikvars tskovelebi da ar vcham mat - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • Me mkatsri vegetarianeli var - I'm a vegan

Hungarian / Magyar

  • Vegetáriánus vagyok. - I'm vegetarian
  • Nem eszek húst / halat / zsírt / tojást / tejet / sajtot / tejterméket / mézet. - I don't eat meat / fish / animal fat / egg / milk / cheese / dairy-products / honey
  • Szeretem az állatokat, ezért nem eszem meg õket. - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • Van a közelben vegetáriánus vendéglõ? - Is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?)
  • Van vegetáriánus ételük? - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?


  • es esu vegetarietis - I am a vegetarian
  • Es needu galu - I don´t eat meat
  • Es needu zivis - I don´t eat fish


  • Ash vegetar(eh)as - I'm vegetarian. -(fe)male
  • Ash vegan(eh)as - I'm vegan. -(fe)male
  • Ash nevalgau mehsos - I don't eat meat
  • Ar turite vegetarishku patiekalu - Do you have any vegetarian dishes also?
  • Ar chia yra mehsos? - Is there any meat in this in this meal?


Original [Phonetic approximation (British spellings?)] (Translation)

  • Jestem wegetarianinem (male)/ wegetarianka (female) [yestem vegetarianinem/vegetariankauw] - I am a vegetarian
  • Nie jem miesa, drobiu, ryb, jajek, sera. [nyea yem miowsa, drobewe, rip, yayek, serah] - I do not eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheese
  • Nie pije mleka [nyea piaow mleka] - I don't drink milk
  • Czy sa dania wegetarianskie/ jarskie? [tCHey soww danya vegetarianski/yaraskia] - Do you have vegetarian dishes?
  • Nie jem nabialu.(easy to read "nabialu" as it is) I do not eat diary products (containing milk and egg products)
  • Nie jem produktow zwierzecych.(read "sweshenzikh" I do not eat animal products (made of animals). Some may understand this as if you do not eat milk,eggs products as well but not nrcesserly.They will take you for an vegetarian.
    SZ like english SH as in "shovel"
    J like eng. Y as in "yes"
    C similar to eng. "S" (not quite but, it'll get you by)
    W like eng. V
    I like eng. "EE" as in "feed"
  • Szukam restalracje wegeterjanska - I'm looking for a vegetarian restaraunt.
    Read: shu-kam re-staw-rac-ye ve-ge-ter-yan-skon
  • Jestem weganinem/weganka - I'm a vegan (male/female respectively).
    Read: ye-stem ve-ga-nee-nem/ve-gan-kon
  • Polish word for vegan is wegan but it is still not recognized by people. Being a vegetarian is still a surprise to many. They may understand your request for not eating milk products because some people don't for other health reasons. You must still explain what you don't want on your plate.In this case the safest way is to say specificly what you want.
  • note: Jestem jaroszem.Old Polish name for vegetarian.(read "yaroshem")That means usualy that you do not eat any meat. Some may ask you if you take the fish. Eggs and milk products are not taken to consideration in this case.

Romanian / Româna

Russian (phonetic)

  • Ya ve-ge-ta-ri-aa-nyets/ve-ge-ta-ri-aanka - I am vegetarian (male/female)
  • Ya bi kho-tyel/kho-tye-la chto nibud' byez myasa, ribi ili pti-tsi. - I would like something without meat, fish or poultry.
  • Yah nye yem meeyasa. - I don't eat meat
  • Ya ni lyublyoo myaso - I don't like meat
  • Yah nye yem rihbu. - I don't eat fish
  • Ya nye yem ni myasa, ni ribi, ni pti-tsi. - I don't eat meat, fish, poultry,
  • Yetot sup na myas-nom bul'onye? - Is there meat broth in this soup?
  • Ya mogu yest' sir i yaitsa i pit' moloko. - I can eat cheese and eggs and drink milk.
  • Ya nye yem sir i yaitsa i nye p'yu mo-lo-ko. - I can not eat cheese and eggs and drink milk.
  • Yah nye pyooh mahlahko eeee yah nye yem sihr. - I don't drink milk and I don't eat cheese
  • Kofye bez mo-lo-ka, po-zha-lui-sta. - Coffee without milk, please.
  • Yah lyublyu gihvahtnihh poehtahmuh yah nye yem eeh - I love animals, so I don't eat them


  • Ja sam vegetarijanac/vegetarijanka - I am a vegetarian - male/female
  • Ne jedem meso, piletinu niti ribu - I do not eat meat, chicken or fish.
  • Ne pijem mleko. - I do not drink milk.
  • Ne jedem puter, sir, jaja. - I do not eat butter,cheese, eggs.
  • Imate li neko vegetarijansko jelo? - Do you have a vegetarian dish?
  • Ima li blizu vegetarijanski restoran? - Is there a vegetarian restaurant near here?
  • Volim zivotinje i zato ih ne jedem. - I love animals, so I don't eat them.
  • Bez mesa - without meat
  • Molim vas - please ; Hvala - thank you

Slovakian / Slovensko

'vegetarian' is pronounced with "g" like in "gear"

  • Som vegetarian(ka) - I am a vegetarian (fe)male
  • Som vegan(ka) (vaegun) - I am a vegan. (fe)male
  • Nejem maso, ryby, mlieko, vajcia - I don't eat meat, fish, milk and eggs
  • Mate vegetarianske jedlo (yedlo) ? - Do you serve some vegetarian meal?
  • Je toto jedlo vegetarianske? - Is this meal vegetarian?
  • Kde je vegetarianska restauracia? - Where is some vegetarian restaurant?


  • Jaz sem vegetarijanec - I'm a vegetarian
  • sem strogi vegetarijanec - I'm a strict vegetarian
  • Ne jem mesa - I don't eat meat
  • Ne maram mesa - I don't like meat
  • Ne jem mleka in jajc - I don't eat milk and eggs
  • Oprostite, sem vegetarijanec - excuse me, I'am a vegetarian
  • imate kaj vegetarijanskega - do you have something that is vegetarian?
  • je kje v blizini kaksna vegetarijanska restavracija? - is here near by any vegetarian restaurant?


  • NGall Tsi Sik Sul (I only eat vegetarian)

The G, beginning N , k, beginning T all have a very light influence in how they are pronounced...And Tsi is close to 'see'

Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia)

(See also Malay: Indonesian and Malaysian are 90% the same)

  • Saya tidak makan daging - I don't eat meat
  • Saya tidak bisa makan daging - I can't eat meat -- sometimes more useful than the above
  • Janganlah pakai daging - please don't use meat
  • Minta jangan pakai MSG/Ajinomoto/Bijin - Please don't put on MSG
  • Minta tidak pakai es - please no ice
  • Minta tidak pakai gula - please no sugar
  • Saya suka sayur campur dengan tempe, tahu, dan kecap kacang. - I like mixed vegetables with tempe, tofu and peanut sauce.
  • Dan nasi - putih/coklat/merah/hitam - And rice - white/brown/red/black
  • Dan minum: es teh, jus: jeruk, mangga, papaya, - And drink: ice tea, orange juice, mango juice, papaya juice
  • Saya mau beli buah, sayur, nasi, tempe, tahu, roti, mie - I want to buy fruit, veggies, rice, tempe, tofu, bread, noodles


  • Buta niku - pork
  • Gyu niku - beef
  • Tori niku - chicken

These literally mean "pig meat", "cow meat" and "chicken meat", respectively. Nashi means without. So no meat would be Niku nashi; Buta niku nashi; Gyu niku nashi; Tori niku nashi

NOTE: for many people the English word "vegetarian" is already a familiar, well-known word; but in the rural areas or if you talk to an old person, please use the word "Saishoku shugisha" [sigh-shoh-koo shoo-gee-sha], a Japanese word for vegetarian. (Don't worry about this word if you are just visiting Tokyo -- just say "vegetarian".)


  • Chae sheek joowee imm nee da - I am vegetarian.
  • Gogi - (Pronounced with hard "g"'s and long "o"): Beef / Meat.
  • Gogi han mogoyo - I don't eat meat.
  • Gogi han droguh-nun mo issoyo? - What is there that doesn't have meat?
  • Gogi no chi maseyo - Don't put in any meat
  • Tway jee gogi: Pork
  • Sang song / Mool gogi: Fish
  • Cho gae - Shellfish, many times put in soup (like in a miso type soup)
  • Anny yo -no. ("Anny" is pronounced more like "on ny." "yo" is a polite way of saying something)
  • Upp so yo- Leave out, none, finished, etc.
  • Chu say yo - "I want, please" said after the statement.
  • Gogi anny yo - no meat or Gogi upp so yo - meat none / leave outetc though Koreans may think "meat" means "beef" only.

A safe dish (that gets tiring after a long time of it exclusively) is ("Ya chae) bib im bap" a large bowl of rice with finely sliced vegetables and maybe seaweed on top.

Malay (Bahasa Malaysia)

(See also Indonesian: Malaysian and Indonesian are 90% the same)

  • Saya seorang vegetarian - I am a vegetarian -- nb: rural areas may not be familiar with the phrase.
  • Saya tidak makan daging, ayam atau makanan laut - I dont eat meat, chicken nor seafood
  • Saya tidak makan telur - I dont eat eggs)
  • Tolong jangan bubuh kichap tiram, udang kering, sotong atau apa-apa jenis makanan yang ada daging/ayam/makanan laut/telur - please do not cook with any oyster sauce, dried prawns, squid or any foods with meat/chicken/seafood/eggs.
  • Adakah makanan ini mengandungi daging/ayam/makanan laut/telur ? - does this dish contain any meat/chicken/seafood/eggs?
  • Sayur - vegetables; Nasi - rice; Banyak sayur-sayuran - lots of vegetables; Terima kasih - thank you


  • wo chi su. - I am a vegetarian
  • wo bu chi rou, wo chi shu cai. - I don't eat meat, I eat vegetable
  • wo bu xihuan chi rou - I don't like to eat meat
  • wo bu chi yu - I don't eat fish
  • wo bu chi ji - I don't eat chicken
  • wo bu chi dan - I don't eat egg
  • wo bu chi niunai - I don't drink milk
  • wo he nai - I drink milk
  • Wo bu chi su liao - I do not eat meat analogs
  • zhe li you mai su shi ma - Do you sell vegetarian food?
  • Wo3 ai4 dong4 wu4, suo2 yi3 wo3 bu4 chi1 ta1 men [Wau AYE DONG-oo, SWAU-ee wau BOO CHR tah-men] - I love animals, so I don't eat them


  • Bi mahgui hool iddeg (I'm a vegetarian)
  • Ta nadad mahgui hool bolon zagasnii mahgui hool hiij ogooch? (Could you prepare a meal without meat or fish?)


  • The word for "I" in Thai is phom (for men) or chan (for women)
  • The Thai language has basically two words for vegetarian food:
    1. ahaan mangsawirat - no beef/chicken/pork/fish/seafood but can contain eggs. Milk is not commonly used in Thai cooking
    2. ahaan jay - strict vegetarian/vegan, nothing of animal origin but also no garlic, onions, strong spices etc
  • phom/chan thaan mangsawirat/jay thawnan - I only eat vegetarian food
  • phom/chan pen mangsawirat/jay I am a vegetarian
  • phom/chan mai (pronounced like "I" with an m in front and with a falling tone) thaan nua/muu/gai/khai/plaa/kung/puu/ahaan talay - I don't eat beef/pork/chicken/eggs/fish/prawn/crab/seafood
  • phom/chan choop thaan ahaan mangsawirat/jay maak kwaa I prefer to eat vegetarian food
  • Choop thaan kaaw krong kap kaeng panaeng tawhu/jay I like to eat vegetarian panaeng curry
  • Khaaw - means rice provided you pronounce is pronounced with a falling tone. Otherwise is may mean nine, white or news or .....
  • Khaaw (falling tone) khaaw (rising tone), white rice
  • Khaaw krong brown rice
  • Khaaw daeng/khaaw man puu red rice
  • Khaaw niaow dam black sticky rice
  • Mai (falling tone) phet - not hot
  • Phet - hot
  • Phet maak - very hot
  • Mai sai (pronounced lke "I" with s in front) naam plaa - don't put fish sauce
  • Mai sai phong churot - don't put MSG
  • Mai sai naam kaduuk tii tom jaak nua/muu/gai/khai/plaa - pleased don't put broth made from beef/pork/chicken/eggs/fish
  • Phom/chan choop thaan mansawirat/jay chen phat, polamay, kaaw, tawhu like to eat vegetarian food e.g. vegetables, fruits, rice, tofu
  • Phom/chan yaak suu phat, tawhu, kwaytiaw, polamay, kanom phang I would like to buy vegetables, tahu, noodles, fruiits, bread
  • Khray khaay khai gai who sells chicken eggs


  • Do Chay /Dou Chai Vegetarian Food.; Thuc An Chay - Vegetarian Food
  • Co Do Chay Khong A? /Koo Dou Chai Khoong Aa? Do you have Vegetarian Food.
  • Toi Khong An Thit, Tom, Ca /Toi khoong aang theet, tom, kaa I do not eat meat, shrimp and fish (Note: Because, in Vietnam, sometimes, meat exclude fish and shrimp.)
  • Khong Thit / Khoong Theet No Meat.
  • Khong Tom / Khoong tom No Shrimp
  • Khong Ca: /Khoong Ka No Fish
  • Khong An /Khoong Ang No .... (Fish, crab...)
  • Khong Da / Khoong Daa No Ice
  • Khong Duong: /Khoong Duoong No Sugar
  • Cam on (Come on like in English but pronounced slowly) Thank you.
  • Dau - Soy; Sua Dau Nanh /Sua Dau Naanh Soya Milk; Dau Hu tofu
  • An man = Khong An Chay - Non-Vegetarian; Thit Bo /Theet Boo Beef (Like the "o" of shore); Thit Heo / Theet Heo Pork (Like "Fail"); Ca /Kaa Fish ; Tom /Tom Shrimp; Ga /Ga Chicken (Like "car"); Cua / Kua Crab (Like "Sure"); Do An Bieng seafood
  • Trung / Truung Egg (Like the "U" in French); Sua Bo /Sua Boo Cow Milk. ; Sua Trau /Sua Trau Buffalo Milk (Like "Cow"); Sua De /Sua llae She-goat milk.
  • Sach Se khong? /Saach Se khoong? Is it clean?
  • Toi Khong An ...(Toi khoong ang I do not eat ...
  • Trai Cay / Trai Kai Fruit.; Tao - Apple; Chuoi - Banana; Quyt - Mandarine = Tangerine; Soai - Mango; Cam - Orange, Du Du - Papaya; Thom / Khom - Pineapple; Dau Da Lat - Strawberry;
  • Toi Muon Mua trai cay /Toi Muon Mua Trai Cai I like to buy fruits.
  • Sinh To (sounds like oh?) fruit mixed drink
  • Tra - Tea; Ca Fe - Coffee; Nuoc Suoi - Mineral water; Nuoc nau soi = Nuoc dun soi - Boiled water; Nuoc Da - Ice cube
  • Rau /Rau Vegetable (Like "Cow"); Rau Song /Rau Soong Raw Vegetables; Rau Luot /Rau Luot Boiled Vegetables (Like "quote")
  • Kho Qua - Bitter Gourd; Ca Rot - Carrot; Bong Cai - Cauliflower; Dua Leo - Cucumber; Hanh La - Fine herbs; Toi - Garlic; Bi - Gourd; Dau O Ve - Green beans; Dau Bap - Lady finger; Cai xa Lach - Lettuce = Salad; Nam - Mushroom; Cu Hanh - Onion; Dau Po Ti Poa - Petit Pois; Khoai Tay - Potato; Rong Bien - Sea Weeds; Rau den - Spinach; Khoai Lang - Sweet Potato; Ca To Mat - Tomato; Hot Dieu - Cashew Nut; Dua - Coconut; Mang Cau xiem - Sour Soup; Mang Cau ta - Sweet Soup; Me - Tamarind; Dua Hau - Water Melon; Ngu Coc - Cereals; Com - Rice; Me = Vung - Sesame
  • Just put "Aa!" at the end of an expression to show the idea of ordering something like "Please" in English. Please pitch down when you say so.


  • Ek is 'n vegetariër - I am a vegetarian
  • Ek eet nie vleis, hoender of vis nie - I don't eat meat, poultry or fish
  • Ek hou nie van vleis nie - I don't like meat
  • Ek eet nie eiers of melk nie - I don't eat milk and eggs
  • Het julle enige vegetariese geregte? - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
  • Ek is lief vir diere, daarom eet ek hulle nie - I love animals, so I don't eat them

Amharic (Ethiopia)

  • Sega albellam - I don't eat meat


  • Ana Nabatee - I am vegetarian [male]
  • Ana Nabateeya - I am vegetarian [female]
  • Mish Akool Lahma walla Ferekh khalis - I don't eat meat or chicken at all
  • Ana nbattee. Ana laa akul lohhoom. - I am vegetarian. I don't eat any meat.


  • yes/menk` busa'ker=banjara'ker em/enk` (sg./pl.). - [I am/we are] vegetarian
  • yes/menk` 1:anasun 2:(&spanvatz) anasunits &statsvatz vo(r)yeve nyut` 3:mis 4:yershik 5:hav 6:haveghen 7:dzuk 8:panir 9:kat` 10:karag 11: dzu=havkit` 12:megh(&)r 'chem/chenk` utum//x&mum. - I/we don't eat//drink 1:animals 2:anything from (slaughtered) animals 3:meat 4:sausage 5:chicken 6:poultry 7:fish 8:cheese 9:milk 10:butter 11:eggs 12:honey
  • yes/menk` u'tum//x&'mum enk` panir/kat`/etc. - I/we do eat//drink cheese/milk/etc.
  • yes/menk` panir/kat`/etc. u'tum//x&'mum em/enk`. - I/we eat//drink cheese/milk/etc.
  • yes/menk` si'rum em/enk` anasunner&, n&rants 'chem/chenk` utum. - I/we love animals, I/we don't eat them.

Words separated by = are synonyms, e.g. you can say dzu or havkit`. "ch" as in English "chip"; "s" always sharp (unvoiced) as in "case"; "x" like "ch" in "loch" or Germ. "ach"; "gh" is its voiced counterpart. "&" like "a" in "about" (schwa); p`, t` and k` are aspirated. The apostrophe *preceding* a syllable means that syllable is more strongly stressed; a, e, i, o, u as in Spanish (or Italian), approximately as in part, get (fête), clique, note, Luke, but shorter. [` = ` (grave accent)]


  • Man Giyah jharam - I am a vegetarian
  • Man gousht nemikhoram - I don't eat meat


  • Ani tsimchoni(t) - I am a (female) vegetarian.
  • Ani t'ivoni(t) - I am (female) vegan
  • V'ani lo ochel(et) chalav o g'vinah. - And I don't eat milk or cheese.
  • Ani lo ochel(et) dagim. - I don't eat fish
  • yesh lachem mana tsimhonit? - do you have a vegeterian dish?
  • yesh basviva misaada tsimhonit? - is there a vegeterian restourant near by?
  • Basar ze retzach - meat is murder
  • Ani lo ochel(et) betzim - I don't eat eggs
  • Ani lo ochel(et) dvash - I don't eat honey
  • Ani lo mishtamesh(et) be`or - I don't use leather
  • Ani ohev(et) chayot, az ani lo ochel(et) otan [accent on last syllables] - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • most of the people that live in Israel know English well (it's taught as a 2nd language!) so give it a try with people between the ages of 12-65.


  • Ez gosht naxwim / Mn gosht nakhwim - I do not eat meat.

Malagasy (language of Madagascar)

  • Izaho tsy mihinan-kena - I don't eat meat

Swahili (East Africa)

More precisely: Kiswahili, the language of the Swahili

  • Mimi sili nyama walla kuku - I eat neither meat nor chicken
  • Mimi sili nyama - I don't eat meat
  • Mimi sili mayai - I don't eat eggs
  • Mimi sili nguruwe - I don't eat pork
  • Ng'ombe - beef/cow; Maziwa - milk; Samaki fish

Tigrigna (Eritrea)

  • Ane siga aybel'en eye. - I don't eat meat
  • Ane hamli tiray ybel'e. - I eat only vegetable
  • Ane wala derho aybel'en eye. - I don't even eat chicken.
  • Ane sebeyti eye. - I am a woman ; ane seb'ay eye. - I am a man.
  • Siga - meat ; Hamli - vegetable ; Bani - bread
  • Ane - I
  • Nsikha - you (male) ; Nsikatkum - you (plural male)
  • Nsikhi - you (female) ; Nsikatkn - you (plural female)
  • Nsu - he ; Nsa - she ; Nhna - we
  • Nsatom - they (male) ; Nsaten - they (female)


  • Vejeteryaným - I am a vegetarian
  • Et yemiyorum - I don't eat meat
  • Hic et yiyemem [heech et yee-yeh-mem] - I can't eat any meat
  • Et suyu bile yiyemem. - I can't even eat meat juices
  • ... yiyemem - I can't eat ...
  • Et yiyemem - I can't eat meat
  • Tavuk [tah-vook] - chicken
  • Pilic [pee-leech] - chicken
  • Yumurta [yoo-moor-tah] - egg
  • BalIk [bah-luck] - fish
  • Etsiz yemek var mI? [Et-seez yeh-mek var muh?] - Do you have any dishes without meat?
  • Etsiz sebze yemeði - Vegetable dish without meat

Gujarati (West India)

  • Hu maas machili nathi khato - I do not eat meat or fish
  • Hu shuddh shakahari chu - I am a pure vegetarian.
  • Hu doodh ane doodh thi baneli vastu nathi khato - I do not consume milk or milk products
  • Houn gosh ane machi nathy khato (masculine)/khati (feminine): I do not eat either meat or fish

Hindi (India)

  • Main Shakahari hoon - I am a vegeterian.
  • Main Shuddh Shakahaari Hoon.- I am a pure vegetarian.
  • Main maas-machhli nahin khata/khati (masculine/feminine) hoon. - I do not eat meat [includes poultry] or fish.
  • Main sirf shakahari khana khata/khati huin.- I eat vegetarian food only.

Kannada (South India)

  • Naanu shaakaahaari - I am a vegetarian
  • Naanu maamsa thinnuvudillaa - I do not eat meat
  • nanu motte thinnuvudhilla - I don't eat eags
  • nanu meenu thinnolla - I don't eat fish.
  • nanu halannu kudiyodhilla - I don't drink milk.
  • mosaru = curds, majjige = buttermilk, benne = butter
  • nanu hannu/hampalavannu thinnuthhene - I eat fruits/vegetables

Malayalam (language of the State of Kerala, India)

  • Njan Sasyabhokkanu - I am a vegetarian
  • Sasyaharam Manushyane Aarogyavanakkunnu - Vegetarian food makes human healthy

Marathi (India)

  • Mi shaakaahaari aahe - I am a vegetarian
  • Mi maams khaat naahi - I do not eat meat

Mizo (Mizoram, India)

  • Sa ka ei lo - I don't eat meat
  • Sa ei lo mi ka ni a - I am a vegetarian
  • Artui, bawnghnute leh cheese ka ei lo - I don't comsume Eggs, milk and cheese
  • Sa ei lo dik tak ka ni - I am a pure vegetarian


  • hami sakahari haun - we are vegetarian
  • Malai maasu nakhanne - I don't eat meat
  • Ma mansu khanna! I do not eat meat!
  • Malai maasu monpardaina - I don't like meat
  • Malai dudh ra phul nakhanne - I don't eat milk and eggs
  • Ma machha khanna! - I do not eat fish!
  • Ma sudha sakahari hoon ! - I am pure vegetarian!
  • Ma dudh, dahi, moi, gheu, nauni, tar, phool khanna! - I do not eat curd, buttermilk, ghee, butter, cream, eggs!

Tamil (South India)

(capital letters are elongated vowels. E.g., nAn rhymes with 'pawn')

  • nAn saivam - I am vegetarian
  • nAn saiva sAppAdu-thAn sAppiduven - I eat only vegetarian food
  • nAn asaivam sAppiduvathu illai - I don't eat non-vegetarian food
  • nAn mAmisam sAppiduvathu illai - I don't eat meat
  • nAn meen sAppiduvathu illai - I don't eat fish
  • nAn kozhi sAppiduvathu illai - I don't eat poultry
  • nAn muttai sAppiduvathu illai - I don't eat eggs
  • nAn pAl sAppiduvathu illai (or:) nAn pAl kudippathu illai -I don't eat (!) (drink) milk
  • anan kaikari mathum sapuduven - I only eat vegetables

Telugu (India)

  • Nenu maamsamu chepalu thinanu - I don't eat meat or fish
  • Nenu shudda shaakaahaarini - I am a pure vegetarian
  • Nenu gudlu, paalu, venna tinanu. - I do not consume eggs, milk or butter
  • pAlu, majjigA paravA lEdu - Milk and buttermilk are OK

There is no equivalent for Cheese in Telugu.


  • Mi estas vegetarano. [mee EST-ahs veh-geh-tah-RAH-noh] - I am a vegetarian
  • Mi estas vegetalano. [mee EST-ahs veh-geh-tah-LAH-noh] - I am a vegan
  • Mi ne man^gas viandon, fi^sa^jon, ova^jon, a~u lakta^jon. [mee neh MAHN-jahs vee-AHN-dohn, fee-SHAH-zhohn, oh-VAH-zhohn, ow lahk-TA-zhohn.] - I don't eat meat, fish, eggs, or dairy products
  • ^Cu vi havas iujn vegetarajn pladojn? [choo vee HAH-vahs EE-ooyn veh-geh-TAH-rine PLAH-doyn] - Do you have any vegetarian dishes?
  • Mi amas bestojn, tial mi ne man^gas ilin. [Mee AH-mahs BEST-oyn, TEE-ahl mee neh MAHN-jahss EE-leen] - I love animals, so I don't eat them
  • Homoj kiuj manghas nur vegetalaj nutrajhoj kutime estas pli pacemaj kaj paciencaj. - People who eat only vegetarian food are usually more peaceful and usually have more patience.


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