Saturday, June 02, 2007

Literary London

London. The city that inspired some of literature’s heaviest hitters is also the city that nurtured a large array of controversial writers. Those writers whose writings—or life!—caused scandal and revolution around the world. Walk in the footsteps of writers whose influence is still felt around the world today—Lenin, Marx, Wilde, and Burroughs to name a few.

Listen to the Rough Guides iToor, Subversive Scribes Literary London, and you’ll...

  • Come face to face with a site that housed one of London’s worst pits of vice and despair.
  • See John Lennon’s original hand-written lyrics
  • Find out why the KGB were regulars at the British Museum
  • Gaze at the very same landscape that inspired Douglas Adams to discover the meaning of life, the universe and everything.
  • Get a good look at the house where communism was born.

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